Saturday, November 16, 2024
7:00 AM to 8:45 AM - Scholarship Breakfast Meeting:
Invited guests will meet in the Sanctuary Restaurant.
Kinshuk Tella and Kristin Coen, Co-Chairs, Scholarship Committee
8:00 AM to 8:45 AM - Final Registration:
Pre-Function Area
GENERAL SESSION: Canterbury/Dover Room
9:00 AM | Call to Order Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio |
9:05 AM | Invocation Joann Williams, Community of Faith, Vice President |
9:10 AM | Announcements | |
9:15 AM | Update on legislation Suzanne Turner, Ohio Legislative Director |
9:35 AM | Aira Tech Corp Jenine Stanley, Director, Customer Success & Engagement |
9:55 AM | Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses and Be My Eyes/AI Capability Gloria Conway, Member, Senior Division/Sharing Solutions , Renee Arrington Johnson, Member, Cleveland Chapter |
10:15 AM | Presentation from the Teacher of tomorrow Program Heather James, Educator , Certified Visually Impaired Teacher |
10:35 AM | Art Experiences for The Blind/Low Vision Community Joy Mistovich , Assistant Education Director / Digital UX Accessibility Specialist, Butler Institute of American Art |
11:00 AM | United way of greater Cleveland Michelle Snowden, Associate Director of 211 Navigation Services and Stanley Griffin, 211 Quality Assurance Specialist. |
11:25 AM | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Pannal | Shawn Callaway, Chair, National DEI Committee, Richard Payne, NFB of Ohio, President, and Christopher Sabine and Marion parker, Co -chairs of the Ohio DEI committee |
11:40 AM | Ohio Affiliate report Richard Payne, President, NFB Ohio |
Noon | Adjourn: General Session resumes at 9:00 AM Sunday. |
Noon to 4:30 PM - Exhibit Hall :
Third Floor, Conference Level, (Rooms, A/B and C/D)
1:00 PM to 2:30 PM - Ohio Senior Division Meeting:
Mariann Denning, President
Canterbury/Dover Room
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM - Blind Parent’s Meeting:
Shawn Callaway, National Representative and Masquenada Douglas, Vice President, Greater Akron Chapter
Amphitheater Room
2:00 PM to 3:30 PM - Ohio Membership Committee Meeting:
William Turner and Kathy Legg, Co-chairs
Basset Room
2:30 PM to 4:00 PM - Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN):
Joann Williams, President
Club Room
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM - Pre-Banquet Social Hour, Cash Bar
Ball Room
6:30 PM - NFBOH Banquet (proof of tickets required)
Ball Room
Event Highlights:
Master of Ceremonies: Suzanne Turner, Board Member, NFB of Ohio
Invocation: Rev., Dr. Carolyn Peters, Vice President, NFB of Ohio
Keynote Speaker: Shawn Callaway, National Representative
Awards presentation: Annette Lutz, Awards Committee Chair
Scholarship Awards: Kinshuk Tella and Kristin Coen-Mishlan, Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs
Not-So-Silent Auction: Annette Lutz, Secretary, NFB of Ohio, and President, NFB Capital Chapter
Money for the Movement: Kathy Legg, Treasurer, NFB of Ohio
9:00 PM -- After Party:
Ballroom. Stick around after the Banquet to socialize and celebrate with your NFB of Ohio community. Enjoy live music and a cash bar.